Search Indexing
on Autopilot.

An all-in-one tool for page indexing, performance monitoring, and issue identification. Index Igniter works in the background to ensure your content gets indexed automatically, giving you more time to work on fresh, engaging content.

Ignite your search
engine presence

Index Igniter provides an automated indexing service, allowing you to focus on great content creation, without worrying about how or if your new content will be indexed.

We check your sitemap for changes, automatically query Search Console behind the scenes, and submit indexing requests to ensure your content is submitted and visible.

  • Nightly sitemap analysis for every domain
  • Automated page indexing and status checking
  • Daily status updates on your site dashboard

Indexing made simple

An all-in-one package for resolving indexing issues

Index Igniter securely connects to your existing search console setup, and immediately begins helping you to identify indexing issues, action pages in need of changes, and shows you how your indexing status is progressing over time.

Bulk Processing

Select any pages you wish to index and action in a single click

Automated Scanning

Daily scans to check for and submit any sitemap changes

Index Refreshing

Automated checking of indexing status to ensure your content is visible

Daily Updates

Daily dashboard updates to show how your page indexing is progressing

Pricing plans based
on your needs

Index Igniter provides plans catered to teams of all sizes, with smooth upgrading and downgrading of plans as needed.

During our open Beta phase we're offering a single plan at a reduced rate, by joining today you can lock in this reduced rate for our starter plan!


Best option for personal use & for your next project.

  • 3 Sites
  • 200 Daily Requests
  • Bulk Indexing
  • Sitemap Scans
  • Auto Indexing
  • Status Updates
Buy Starter Plan (Beta!)

Get notified for updates

Index Igniter is in an early release stage, if you'd like to stay in the know with any future discounts, updates, and changes, provide your email below.

By signing up you agree that Index Igniter may send you emails related to our product and promotional messages.

Frequently asked questions

Index Igniter is an automated tool designed to ensure your website's content gets indexed by search engines efficiently. It offers services like nightly sitemap analysis, automated page indexing, status checking, and daily updates on your indexing status, all working in the background to allow you to focus on creating engaging content.